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How can B.C. meet its hydrogen goals? [Video]

British Columbia News

Amid increasing demand for power generation, British Columbia’s energy minister says the province remains committed to expanding the power-intensive hydrogen industry.

When used in a fuel cell, hydrogen can produce power for transportation and heating, without emitting harmful byproducts like nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter. 

The provincial and federal governments both hope the element can offer a low-emissions alternative to fossil fuels, and have made significant investments in hydrogen production in B.C.

But producing low-emissions hydrogen requires a significant amount of renewable power — power that at the moment officials say B.C. cannot offer on an industrial scale. Meanwhile, an expert says the industry faces challenges establishing production and transportation networks across the world.

These challenges have put the province’s largest hydrogen project on indefinite hold, and been an obstacle for the province’s emerging hydrogen industry. 

Still, the new B.C. government remains committed to its hydrogen strategy, which describes the alternative fuel as an essential part of its plan …

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