Removing the roadblocks: How provinces can lead the charge on boosting internal trade
Removing the roadblocks: How provinces can lead the charge on boosting internal trade
Nova Scotia’s big trade reform could shake up the country—for the better: Trevor Tombe in The Hub

How changing winter ice conditions around P.E.I. are letting the sea eat into its shores [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

The amount and duration of shore ice around Prince Edward Island has been changing in recent years, and researchers say shorter seasons are a concern because the ice provides a protective shield against winter storms and erosion.

The last two winters saw lighter ice conditions than historic normal levels. This winter, the ice was thicker, but it didn’t form until February, almost six weeks later than it used to. 

“The past five years in particular have been very low on sea ice around Prince Edward Island… That’s definitely unusual compared to our historical record,” said Genevieve Keefe, a PhD candidate at UPEI’s School for Climate Change and Adaptation.

Keefe studies coastal erosion and sea ice. She said P.E.I.’s ice season has decreased from between 10 and 15 weeks to an average of just nine weeks in recent years.

The shoreline is clear but there is still some in the harbour …
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