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How to apply for long-term disability benefits in Ontario [Video]

Canadian National News Ontario News

Applying for long-term disability (LTD) benefits in Ontario can be daunting, but understanding the steps involved can help you navigate it more smoothly. As a disability lawyer who has advised thousands of individuals facing similar challenges, I understand the stress and uncertainty that can accompany this journey. Don’t despair; we are here to help.

LTD benefits are designed to provide financial support when you cannot work due to severe illness or injury. These benefits typically come through your employer’s group insurance plan or a private policy. The goal is to help you maintain financial stability during a challenging period when earning an income isn’t possible.

This guide provides a clear and concise overview of how to apply for LTD benefits in Ontario. It includes what you need to do if your claim is denied by the insurance company.

1. Review your policy

Before diving into the application, familiarize yourself with the specifics of your …

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