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How to stay safe during the holiday season [Video]

Ontario News

As fun festivities begin, the Canadian government, SickKids and fire departments in the Waterloo Region are reminding families of the higher safety risks during the holiday season.

Fire risks

The Guelph Fire Department’s Prevention Chief had a few tips.

Chief Tony Sabatini shared with CTV News that if natural Christmas trees remain unwatered they can dry out and become flammable. The federal government suggests on their website that natural Christmas trees should be watered daily and kept away from doorways and busy areas.

Sabatini said calls for trees catching fire typically come between Christmas and New Years, when the trees become older and dried out.

“People forget to water them and then when they have the decorations on them, especially with electricity, the lights themselves can actually cause the tree to go up in flames,” said Sabatini.

He also explained that smoke alarms are the most important things to check ahead of …

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