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Human trafficking charges laid against London man [Video]

Ontario News

A man is now facing a wide swath of charges following an investigation by London Police Services Human Trafficking Unit.

Beginning in April 2019, a woman entered an agreement with a man, employed as a sex worker, exchanging services for money and lodging. The man collected all of the income that the woman made, withholding some of the funds.

She was also on one occasion assaulted by the man.

In September of that year, she stopped working for him, however, in June of 2024 he reached out to her once again and demanded money, threatening her family.

The victim, now 27 years old, contacted police.

The suspect, a 25-year-old man from London was already in custody on other charges, however in relation to this incident, charges of trafficking, assault, uttering threats, and exchanging money for sexual services have been laid.

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