Ontario News

HVAC scams are still happening. Why is the government failing to act? [Video]

At the beginning, Crystal Sheffield thought it sounded like a pretty good deal.

A sales representative from a company called Provincial Smart Home Services came to her house in Madoc, Ont., roughly 200 kilometres east of Toronto, and talked her into a $26,000 loan to pay for a UV water filter, a reverse osmosis water system and smart home equipment, like a new thermostat.

The sales representative told her she would qualify for rebates that would help pay for it, Sheffield said in an interview.

“As a single mom of two kids, it was the middle of the pandemic … things were a lot tighter,” she said. “I thought, ‘This is great.'”

She alleges the salesperson never told her that the bi-weekly payments on the loan through a third-party lender — which started at about $65 — would more than double to nearly $150 two years later.

“I don’t have …

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