Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Canada can no longer afford a peace dividend: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

I swore I would leave the US if Trump won the 2016 election. Here’s how that worked out for me. [Video]

Canadian National News

“If Trump wins this election, I’m moving out of the country.”

I said those words in November 2016. So did a lot of other Americans: so many, in fact, that Canada’s immigration website crashed because of increased traffic as votes were being tallied. No joke.

I don’t know how many others followed through on that declaration, but I did. Trump won the election, and I left the US nine months later.

Full disclosure: Trump becoming president was not the only reason I left — it was also about being fed up with my corporate job, coupled with a strong desire to explore the world.

I was 37, single, with no children or pets, so I was free to quit my job, uproot myself, and take off. I did own a house at the time, which I sold a few months after I left.

Upon my departure, I didn’t have much of a plan other than the intention to spend …

The promise and peril of the AI Revolution: Peter Copeland and Ryan Khurana
The promise and peril of the AI Revolution: Peter Copeland and Ryan Khurana
The promise and peril of the AI Revolution: Peter Copeland and Ryan Khurana for Inside Policy Talks