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Idea Yukon College offers 9th grade classes for the first time [Video]

Yukon News

Idea Yukon College Preparatory Principal Stephanie Eisenmenger said, “having high school means we’re fulfilling our mission to get all kids to and through college”.

ODESSA, Texas — The first day of school is always filled with excitement and nerves, but for students at Idea Yukon College Preparatory in Odessa, this year brings a special milestone. 

Idea Yukon College Preparatory Principal Stephanie Eisenmenger said that “this is the first day of school, but it’s more excitingly the first day of high school at Idea Yukon. We’ve never had a high school here, so we are really excited.” 

Idea Yukon first opened its doors in 2021 welcoming kindergarten through second grade and sixth grade. Each year, they’ve added another grade level, furthering their mission of getting students to and through college. 

“We’re really excited to have kids starting their AP journey,” Eisenmenger said. “They’re starting some of their more advanced classes, starting …

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