First Nations News

Ijams Nature Center finds spotted salamander eggs [Video]

The creature spends most of the year underground and migrates to temporary pools and ponds to mate and lay egg masses.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The Ijams Nature Center is excited about eggs they spotted in a pond this week.

What they spotted were spotted salamander eggs. The Ijams team posted on social media to tell the public about the discovery saying they’ve never seen them in this area before.

According to Ijams, the amphibian is native to the eastern United States and southern Canadian woodlands. The creature spends most of the year underground and migrates to temporary pools and ponds to mate and lay egg masses. Ijams said the egg masses can be the size of a softball.   

The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agencysaid each female spotted salamander lays around 100-300 eggs per year in several separate masses. The amphibian can grow to be nearly 8 inches long. The animal usually has a dark purplish, …

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