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Illegal car rallies and VIN theft targeted in Ontario legislation announced in Mississauga [Video]

Ontario News

Fake vehicle identification numbers (VIN) and illegal car rallies are targeted in proposed Ontario legislation announced in Mississauga Friday.

The legislation, if passed, would create a new provincial offence under the Highway Traffic Act for fraudulent vehicle registrations.

“These cases often involve a person stealing the VIN from a legitimate vehicle and passing it off on a stolen vehicle,” said Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation, at the press conference in Mississauga. “It’s these types of activities that, despite seeming like almost victimless crimes are driving carjackings, late night robberies and chaos in communities throughout the province.”

Those who knowingly provide a false VIN when applying for a vehicle permit could face fines of up to $100,000 for convictions, the possibility of up to six months in jail and up to one-year driver’s licence or vehicle permit suspension, Sarkaria said.

In September, more than 200 charges were laid in an auto theft investigationthat involved the assistance of Service Ontario staff members. In response …

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