Ontario News

Improvements needed to Windsor’s downtown despite successful block parties [Video]

Windsor is a city of dreams. Host it and they will come.

A large group of soccer fans gathered to celebrate the Copa America Cup final between Argentina and Columbia Sunday night. Another successful block party in downtown Windsor.

“Bringing people together,” said Ward 3 City Councillor Renaldo Agostino. “That’s what I’ve been doing for thirty years and sprinkling that into our downtown core has really been effective over the last two months.”

The party started in April with the NFL draft. The soccer block party in front of the Loose Goose on Ouellette Avenue on Sunday night was another good, successful example. To keep the momentum going, a wrestling event is schedule to take place on University Avenue in front of Phog Lounge at the end of July.

The street closures have been good for some downtown businesses.

“To create that traffic, it’s fabulous for downtown,” said Kyle Reid, …

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