Navigating 2025: Double Trouble with Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Navigating 2025: Double Trouble with Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Where does the Trump-Zelenskyy blowup leave Ukraine?: Marcus Kolga on CBC News

In Brazil, mining giant Vale is sued over metal contamination found in Indigenous peoples Boston 25 News [Video]

First Nations News

BRASILIA, Brazil — (AP) — Brazil’s Federal Prosecutor’s Office is suing the giant mining company Vale, the Brazilian government and the Amazon state of Para over heavy metal contamination in the bodies of Xikrin Indigenous people.

The civil lawsuit, filed Friday and disclosed this week, alleges contamination from Vale’s nickel mining at the Onca-Puma site, with the Catete River carrying mine pollution into Indigenous territory. In 2022, the company and the Xikrin reached an agreement for monthly compensation, but it did not cover health issues, according to the prosecution.

A study by the Federal University of Para, conducted last spring in villages in the Xikrin do Catete Indigenous Territory, found dangerously high levels of heavy metals, including lead, mercury and nickel, in the hair of virtually all the 720 people surveyed. Fearing contamination in the river water, the Xikrin are using bottled water for their children and buying fish from …

Happily ever after? The case for marriage:  Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
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A lifeline for Ukraine that costs Canadian taxpayers nothing: Balkan Devlen, Aaron Gasch Burnett, and Yuliya Ziskina in National Newswatch