Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada's role as a principled provider of energy and resources
Hey, teachers, don’t leave those kids alone: Casey Babb in the National Post

Information sessions held for Quebec residents being relocated [Video]

Quebec News

The Housing and Municipal Affairs Ministry is organizing two information sessions on Saturday on financial assistance programs for residents who must relocate away from the Horne smelter in Rouyn-Noranda, Que.

These programs are aimed at residents located in the buffer zone defined in the implementation of the government action plan to support the municipality.

A presentation will first be given to tenants in the morning, followed by another presentation in the afternoon to owners in the buffer zone.

The Government Action Plan to support Rouyn-Noranda, announced a year ago, has a budget of $90.4 million over five years.

Of this amount, $16 million will be devoted to two programs to help residents who have to relocate because of arsenic emissions from the Horne smelter, which are associated with an estimated increased risk of cancer.

Assistance for tenants

The tenant assistance program has three components: severance pay, relocation assistance and assistance with paying the …

Canada in the global energy transition: Alexander Dalziel and Heather Exner-Pirot
Canada in the global energy transition: Alexander Dalziel and Heather Exner-Pirot
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