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Injured eagle rescued off Lions Gate Bridge [Video]

British Columbia News

A rare rescue took place on Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge over the weekend.

An injured eagle landed on the busy bridge during rush hour Saturday.

The West Vancouver Police Department says they and Vancouver counterparts teamed up to capture the bird of prey and brought it to the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society.

The Delta-based non-profit rehabilitates raptors including eagles, falcons, hawks, osprey and owls before releasing them back into the wild.

The rescued eagle has an injured eye and is suffering from lead poisoning, OWL general manager Rob Hope told CTV News.

An injured eagle landed on the Lions Gate Bridge on Saturday, Jan. 4. (Courtesy: West Vancouver Police Department)He explained eagles are often exposed to lead this time of year when they’re scavenging for food and eat meat discarded during hunting season, which contains fragments of the heavy metal left by bullets.

“A little piece of lead the …

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