Canadian National News

Inspiring: Video captures humpback whales bubble-net feeding

It’s a sight few are lucky to see.

Robert Gorcak, who works for the First Nations Health Authority, was in Kelmtu on Wednesday morning, visiting the Kitasoo Xai’xais First Nation, on the edge of the Great Bear Rainforest, when he saw a huge flock of seagulls hovering over the water.

“Suddenly I saw a blowhole blow up some mist,” he said.

That’s when he grabbed his microdrone and threw it up in the air.

A pod of humpback whales was bubble-net feeding. Gorcak said he followed them up the channel a little but then lost sight of them.

“So I went back to the tried and true First Nations method, which is follow the birds,” he said.

“And sure enough, they started gathering around and got the camera on site just as the first bubbles were coming up and managed to catch one of the most remarkable things you could probably see in the ocean, which is humpbacks …

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