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Islanders invited to learn tips and tricks for growing giant pumpkins [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Prince Edward Islanders looking to try their hand at growing giant pumpkins will have the chance to learn from the best this Wednesday evening.

Mark Tremere, P.E.I.’s reigning champion giant pumpkin grower, is hosting a workshop at the York Community Centre, where he’ll share his top tips and tricks for cultivating colossal gourds.

Tremere said the Island has a small but dedicated community of competitive growers.

“Worldwide, there’s quite a few competitive growers going for their world record, but in P.E.I. we might have 10 to 15 tops,” he told CBC’s Island Morning.

“I’d love to see more people. That’s the goal.”

We speak with Mark Tremere, P.E.I.’s reigning champion giant pumpkin grower, about a workshop he’s hosting at the York Community Centre on cultivating giant pumpkins.

The current world record for the heaviest pumpkin is 1,243 kilograms (2,741 pounds), grown over six months by Guinness World Record holder Travis Gienger in Minnesota.

As for Tremere, he won top prizes in …

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