Converting Opportunity into Indigenous Prosperity: Accomplishments and Challenges in the Oil Sands
Converting Opportunity into Indigenous Prosperity: Accomplishments and Challenges in the Oil Sands
The hidden world of organized crime in Canada: Todd Hataley and Alexander Dalziel for Inside Policy Talks

Its on each of us to show a child in trouble that we care [Video]

New Brunswick News

Regarding your “Delinquent: Our System, Our Kids” series about the juvenile justice system, youth crime is not new. Juvenile delinquency has concerned social reformers for over a century. Everything changes, but nothing changes.

We can analyze the vicious cycle of poverty. We can discuss unjust laws, unsafe and unaffordable housing, single parenthood, and alcohol and drug abuse. In the end, what matters most is people who care. And who demonstrate their concern through direct personal actions and kind words.

Government programs can give parents money for food, but will the children get (good) food or enough of it? A housing voucher is good, but will the parent invite dangerous persons into the dwelling? A true home is not simply a place to inhabit. It is a safe, wholesome sanctuary, where children can grow and learn.

We may remember the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It is up to us to step up and do what we can. …

Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada's role as a principled provider of energy and resources
The government is taking a puzzling approach to newspaper subscriptions: Peter Menzies in the Globe and Mail