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Job action to begin Monday at Edmonton and area schools – Edmonton [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

The union representing school support staff at Edmonton Public Schools and the Sturgeon Public School Division confirmed Sunday that job action is set to begin on Monday at Edmonton and area schools.

CUPE Local 3550 and Local 4625 said picket lines will go up at 7:30 a.m. on Monday at the following locations:

Local 3550 (Edmonton Public) locations:

Ross Shepard High School13546 111 Ave. NW

M. E. LaZerte High School6804 144 Ave. NW

Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack High School2410 17 St. NW

Local 4625 (Sturgeon Public) locations

All schools.

CUPE 3550 members voted last month to reject a wage offer from a provincially appointed dispute inquiry board saying that the increase amounted to 2.75 per cent over four years.

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Edmonton Public Schools said in a statement last week that “learning will continue,” even if support staff go on strike.

“Schools have been working …

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