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Just the facts: Riversgold confirms multi-metal discovery at Saint John [Video]

New Brunswick News

Proactive’s Tylah Tully breaks down ‘Just the Facts’ of the latest news from Riversgold Ltd (ASX:RGL).

The company has confirmed a significant multi-metal discovery at its Saint John Project in New Brunswick, Canada.

Rock chip assays from roadside quarry pits and surface exposures have revealed high grades, including 10.55% copper, 11.4 g/t gold, 1,600 g/t silver, 18.85% lead and more than 1% antimony.

The discovery spans a 25-kilometre zone of felsic intrusions near the US border, highlighting the potential of this underexplored area.

The company has conducted a sampling program to validate earlier prospector activities and better understand the geological context.

Ongoing work includes additional rock chip sampling and preparations for a 2,000-metre drilling program.

A drone magnetic survey at the Little Lepreau prospect is set to begin, with further geophysical surveys planned to refine exploration targeting.

These results will guide assessments of the area’s potential for IOCG and porphyry-related mineralisation.

The project …

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