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Ken Sim admits to being ‘orange pilled’ in Bitcoin interview [Video]

British Columbia News

Bitcoin is soaring to all time highs, and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim wants the city to get in on the action.

Sim provided greater insight into his affinity for the cryptocurrency in an interview Wednesday on a show called Coin Stories, hosted by Natalie Brunell. 

In the 30-minute video interview, Sim tells Brunell he’s been “orange-pilled,” a term referencing one’s dedication to the asset.

“I think it’s the greatest invention in human history,” he added.

Sim is tabling a motion Dec. 11 at city council titled, Preserving of the City’s Purchasing Power Through Diversification of Financial Reserves – Becoming A Bitcoin Friendly City.

When asked by Brunell about the motion, Sim said, “the motion we’re filing doesn’t necessarily say put Bitcoin on the balance sheet.” He added, “It talks about exploring how we can incorporate Bitcoin into the City of Vancouver but as we all know, it could be a great idea. I’ll just leave it …

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