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Kenya starts to hand over to relatives the bodies of 429 members of a doomsday cult [Video]

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Morgue workers move a body of a victim of a religious cult for burial in Malindi Funeral home in Kilifi, Kenya Tuesday, March. 26, 2024. Kenya government on Tuesday released seven bodies of victims, who died due to starvation to their families for burial. Some 34 bodies, out of the 429 that were exhumed last year, were positively identified. (AP Photo/Andrew Kasuku)

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Kenya’s government on Tuesday began handing over to relatives the bodies of 429 members of a doomsday cult at the center of a legal case that has shocked the country.

Exhumed bodies from a vast rural area in coastal Kenya have shown signs of starvation and strangulation. Cult leader Paul Mackenzie is accused of asking his followers to starve themselves to death to meet Jesus and now faces charges that include murder.

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