“With Love, Meghan,” the Netflix lifestyle series produced by and starring Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, that is set to be a sun-soaked tribute to breezy Southern California living, will not premiere this month as planned as the area contends with deadly wildfires that have devastated the region, she said in a statement.
“I’m thankful to my partners at Netflix for supporting me in delaying the launch, as we focus on the needs of those impacted by the wildfires in my home state of California,” Markle said in a statement on Sunday.
The series will now debut on March 4. It was originally scheduled to begin streaming on Jan.15.
“With Love, Meghan,” was filmed in Montecito, California and showcases Markle sharing “personal tips and tricks, embracing playfulness over perfection and highlights how easy it can be to create beauty, even in the unexpected,” according to a Netflix description of the series.
Markle and her …