Ontario News

LCBO workers: majority vote to back strike if needed [Video]

Workers at Ontario’s primary liquor retailer are one step closer to a potential strike after union members voted overwhelmingly in favour of a mandate to walk off the job.

The Ontario Public Service Employees Union said Saturday that 97 per cent of participating LCBO workers voted in favour of a strike. It said 8,060 LCBO employees took part, marking a record 86-per-cent member turnout during the four-day vote.

“This record turnout will send a strong message to (Premier) Doug Ford and the LCBO that we aren’t backing down in this fight,” the union said in a news release.

“We’re fighting for a strong future for the LCBO.”

In response to the strike vote, the LCBO said it is putting measures in place to prepare for the possible work stoppage in case it doesn’t reach a deal with the union.

It said its plan will ensure continued customer service during a potential strike.

“LCBO does not want a strike,” it …

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