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LEGO toys the target of thieves in a series of Ontario break-ins [Video]

Ontario News

Thieves stole LEGO sets from stores in Burlington during a series of break-ins last month.

According to Halton Police, the crimes occurred at four locations during the early evening hours at commercial businesses between Jan. 5 and Jan. 23 located in the east end of the city.

In two of the four cases, the thieves took a boxed set of LEGO toys. The police did not reveal the other items taken.

In each case, three men, all dressed in black, were observed entering the stores.

A suspect vehicle is believed to be a Dodge pick-up truck containing a small sunroof with unique high wooden side rails extending from the truck bed.

Police have not revealed the locations of the stores, but if you have any information about the crimes, contact the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4777 ext. 2316, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or www.haltoncrimestoppers.ca.

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The Rebirth of Antisemitism in the 21st Century: David Hirsh in conversation with Casey Babb
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