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Lethbridge Hurricanes honour Ry Guy on World Down Syndrome Day – Lethbridge [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

The Lethbridge Hurricanes are making their game on World Down Syndrome Day extra special by honouring one of their own — longtime game day assistant Ryan “Ry Guy” Roznowsky.

A fixture in the dressing room for over a decade, Ryan has become a beloved part of the team, bringing positivity and energy to players and staff alike.

“World Down Syndrome Day is really important to us,” said Hurricanes staff member Kathy Hong.

“Having Ry Guy with us for over 10 years, he’s huge for the organization and the guys.

To mark the occasion, the Hurricanes are encouraging fans to wear mismatched socks, a global tradition symbolizing inclusion and support for individuals with Down syndrome.

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With their game falling on the official awareness day, the team wanted to make this year’s celebration extra meaningful.

Ryan, who takes great pride in his role with the team, summed up the night best: “All the people who have …

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