An investigation conducted by a Maine law firm found that a “culture of hazing” exists within the Lisbon High School football team, according to a report obtained by Maine’s Total Coverage.Portland-based Drummond Woodsum was hired by the Lisbon School Department in early October to investigate a hazing incident at the high school.According to the report, Drummond Woodsum was brought in to investigate after students told school administrators of an incident in the boys’ locker room during the preseason that involved a player being pinned to the floor and assaulted with a broomstick. The report also states that school administrators were told that something similar had happened in previous years.Drummond Woodsum states that school administrators asked the firm to investigate whether hazing happened among current Lisbon High football players and to assess whether hazing was part of the culture of the football program.The report states that some players, primarily underclassmen, were …

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Lisbon High football team has ‘culture of hazing,’ law firm says [Video]

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