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Little government progress on Doukhobor compensation, B.C.’s ombudsperson says [Video]

British Columbia News

British Columbia’s ombudsperson says the lack of government progress on compensating Doukhobors who were wrongfully detained in the 1950s is “disheartening.” 

A statement from Jay Chalke says it’s been a year since Premier David Eby apologized to the Sons of Freedom Doukhobors for government actions decades ago, but there’s still no clear process or timeline to pay descendants of survivors. 

Chalke says the government has made progress making payments to some of those who were held in New Denver as school-aged children, but it’s been slow to say who else will be eligible for compensation, leaving many still waiting for answers.

“We’ve heard almost daily, from survivors for the past year, wondering what’s going on.,” he said in an interview with CBC News.

“They took to heart the commitment by the attorney general … and by the premier and the legislature, that, ‘We’re going to make this right,’ and since …

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