Ontario News

Live liver donor needed for Guelph, Ont. baby [Video]

A Guelph, Ont. family is hoping someone will step up as a live liver donor for their 10-month-old son.

Myles Beaulieu was just seven-weeks-old when he was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a rare and chronic liver disease.

He’s now waiting for a transplant at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

“We’ve been there since May 25th and we can’t go home until Myles gets a new liver,” his mother Emily Vokey explained.

Some family members have explored whether they could be a donor, but none were a good match. By sharing Myles’ story, his mother hopes to reach other potential donors.

“In Myles’ situation it can be anybody with an A or O blood type, both positive and negative are welcome, anyone between the ages of 16 to 50, and you have to be in general overall good health,” Vokey said.

Emily Vokey and her son Myles Beaulieu. (Submitted)

“The liver is such a resilient organ,” explained …

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