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Local photography series recognizes classic N.S. businesses – Halifax [Video]

Canadian National News

A local photographer is sharing her appreciation for Halifax’s most beloved businesses through a photo series called Time and Tide.

Wedding photographer Haley MacPhee has branched out with a series aiming to honour establishments that have stood by Haligonians through thick and thin.

It all started with a photo of a motel sign off Lady Hammond Road.

“Last summer I was driving home, I take the same route in the North End every day, and the glowing, bright red motel sign over the Chebucto Inn had gone dark, and I realized it had become kind of a marker for ‘almost home’ for so long,” MacPhee said.

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“And I got home, and I said to my partner, ‘I have to go take a picture of that sign.’”

Each business MacPhee chooses to highlight has been a community staple for more than 20 years, earning them a place in the series.

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