Ontario News

London Ont. flooding continues | CTV News [Video]

High water levels are continuing along the Thames River tonight, with the City of London issuing warnings to Londoners to avoid high water areas.

Many parks along the river will continue to experience flooding due to the heavy rainfall seen in the region this week, and portions of the Thames Valley Parkway are washed out.

In an effort to continue to clean up the affected areas, playgrounds and splash-pads remain closed, North London Athletic Fields, Northridge Fields, and Fanshawe Quarry Golf Course also remain closed due to flooding.

Water in the Thames is fast moving today, presenting risks, especially as many riverbanks are fully saturated, and slippery. Take extreme caution around the river, and avoid getting to close to the water’s edge.

You can report any issues related to yard flooding, catch basin flooding, home flooding, damaged roads or sidewalks at

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