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‘Love Letters for Local’ business campaign launches in Ontario town [Video]

Ontario News

Pickering Village in Ajax

February is the time for love and in Ajax, that also means showing some love to local businesses town with the third annual Love Letters for Local campaign.

This month residents and businesses are invited to join in the fun and express their appreciation for their favourite local spots buy sharing shout-outs to their favourite local merchants on the Town’s Facebook page (@myajax), X (@TownOfAjax) and Ajax’s Economic Development & Tourism Team’s Instagram (@AjaxAdvantage) using the hashtag #LoveLocalTOA.

“The Love Letters for Local campaign is all about celebrating our amazing local businesses and the vital role they play in making Ajax such a unique place to live,” said Ajax Mayor Shaun Collier. “We encourage everyone to join in and show their support for the businesses they love.”

How to participate:

  • Keep an eye out for Ajax’s Love Letters for Local posts on FacebookXand Instagramevery …
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