Canadian National News

Man charged with attempted murder after three workers attacked in Halifax ER – Halifax [Video]

A Halifax man is facing charges including attempted murder after health workers were attacked at the Halifax Infirmary’s emergency room on Wednesday.

The province’s health minister said three health workers were injured by a patient, and sources have indicated the weapon used was a knife.

Karen Oldfield, CEO of Nova Scotia Health, confirmed Thursday that all three victims were recovering from their injuries in stable condition.

Nova Scotia’s public prosecution service said 32-year-old Nicholas Robert Coulombe of Halifax would be charged with one count of attempted murder, three counts of aggravated assault, three counts of assault with a weapon, and two counts of possession of a dangerous weapon for the purpose of committing a crime.

According to a police information form filed with the provincial court, the weapon used in three of the alleged confrontations was a knife. But in a section describing an assault with a weapon charge involving …

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