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Manitoba weather: the cold will return [Video]

Manitoba News

With a new year comes a new weather pattern to Manitoba.

After weeks of mild temperatures, it’s about to get much colder as bitterly cold arctic air floods the province along northwest winds over the next few days.

By tonight, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) says extremely cold wind chill values around -45 are fairly certain for the most northern parts of Manitoba. It won’t be long, though, before ECCC issues extreme cold warnings for most of Manitoba. The weather agency says that’s highly likely at some point in the coming days.

Much of Manitoba will see a mix of sun and cloud on Thursday. Some areas in the eastern half of the province also see some light snow or flurries, but no significant accumulation.

Flurries will also likely fly in northwestern Ontario this afternoon.

Expect daytime highs in southeastern Manitoba and into Ontario between -12 C and -14 …

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