US-Canada defense & security cooperation in the Trump era: Devlen, Tronnes, Shimooka, and Lanoszka
US-Canada defense & security cooperation in the Trump era: Devlen, Tronnes, Shimooka, and Lanoszka
Another conference featuring bigoted Islamist coming to Canada: Joe Adam George in the National Post

March of the Elves (OK, a bunch of really cute P.E.I. students) delights seniors for Christmas [Video]

Prince Edward Island News
  • 9 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 2:15

Students from Glen Stewart Primary School in Stratford, P.E.I., marched their way over to Andrews of Stratford this week, armed with gifts and songs for the seniors who call the residence home.

Breaking the cycle: Peter Copeland and Marcell Wilson
Breaking the cycle: Peter Copeland and Marcell Wilson
The time to step up is now – making the most of Canada’s G7 presidency: Jonathan Berkshire Miller in the Hill Times