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Massive surge in measles cases reported in Ontario [Video]

Ontario News

Ontario is seeing a massive surge in measles cases as an ongoing outbreak spreads in the province among mostly unvaccinated people.

Public Health Ontario is reporting 372 total cases since an outbreak began on Oct. 28, 2024. That’s a jump of 195 cases since the agency’s last report on Feb. 27.

The spread has resulted in 31 hospitalizations, including one child who required intensive care. Of those who were hospitalized, 30 were unvaccinated and one person’s immunization status was unknown.

The public health agency described the latest numbers as being a “sharp increase,” attributing the outbreak expansion to transmission among unimmunized children and teens.

Almost all of the new cases are connected to an interprovincial outbreak first reported in New Brunswick, which has also spread to Manitoba.

In Ontario, seven more public health units are reporting seeing cases, bringing the total number to 11. Meanwhile, people are being warned about …

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