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Mayor Knox and Acting Reeve Tufford reflect on Kam Blight’s contributions – PortageOnline.com [Video]

Manitoba News

The partnership between the City of Portage la Prairie and the RM of Portage la Prairie will miss the leadership of former RM President Kam Blight.

Tribute at AMM Convention

Mayor Sharilyn Knox and Acting Reeve Roy Tufford shared their thoughts following the tribute to Blight at the recent Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) convention, where he was also honored for his time as president of the organization.

Mayor Sharilyn Knox

Recognition of Service

“At the gala this year, Kam was recognized for his service to AMM,” says Knox. “It was a lovely moment where we got to reflect on all that Kam has done for AMM and for municipalities in this province. He talked about getting elected as Reeve of the RM of Portage with no political experience at that time and just talking about the support he had to help him grow and learn. He really gave kudos to his team at the RM. You just knew that …

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