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Mayor wants to put an end to Ottawa’s nickname ‘the town that fun forgot’ [Video]

Canadian National News

Mayor Mark Sutcliffe no longer wants to hear that Ottawa is the “town that fun forgot.”

“It’s an insult, we shouldn’t be repeating it,” Sutcliffe told reporters at the end of a media conference on Tuesday to introduce the city’s new nightlife commissioner.

“We should be proud of our city, we should be proud of the people that work in the nightlife economy.”

The late Macleans Magazine columnist Allan Fotheringham first dubbed Ottawa “the town that fun forgot” in an article. Ottawa has had several nicknames over the years, including a “sleepy government town.”

After seeing several articles, including a CTV News Ottawa story, reference the term while discussing Ottawa’s plans to hire a ‘night mayor’, Sutcliffe expressed his frustration with the use of the …

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