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McMaster professor on why Poilievre and Singh stopped in Hamilton so early in the campaign [Video]

Canadian National News

Visits to Hamilton by the leaders of the Conservative Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party (NDP) during the first week of the federal election campaign, highlight the importance of the area to the parties, says McMaster University politics Prof. Peter Graefe.

Graefe told CBC Hamilton that in the early days of a campaign, leaders are more likely to visit seats that are particularly important.

“So, which ones are they trying to protect? Which ones are they trying to grow?” Graefe said.

Election day is April 28.

Jagmeet Singh, the NDP Leader, visited the Hamilton Mountain riding Monday evening to hold a campaign office opening for candidate Monique Taylor, while Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative Leader, spoke to a crowd of around 4,500 people on a factory floor in Stoney Creek on Monday night.

“Clearly [Singh] wants to hold on to the one seat that he has in the city — Hamilton Centre,” Graefe said.

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