Navigating 2025: Double Trouble with Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Navigating 2025: Double Trouble with Balkan Devlen and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
The time to step up is now – making the most of Canada’s G7 presidency: Jonathan Berkshire Miller in the Hill Times

Meet the Ghanaian family who has run a ‘domedo’ business for over 100 years [Video]

First Nations News

In search of an indigenous, solely Ghanaian-owned food business, GhanaWeb chanced on the story of the family that has been preparing oven-baked ‘domedo’ (pork) for over 100 years.

Totally intrigued and way too curious about what makes pork that is prepared in a traditional mud oven any different or better than the ones that litter, especially, many bus stops in most places of the country, we set out with our cameras to Kotobabi, in Accra, to speak with this family.

Determined to capture the entire process of this Ghanaian delicacy, the team set off early enough before the Sun came out.

We made our first stop at the slaughterhouse at Pig Farm – the very location through which the name of this famous Accra town came about, before we found our way to the Abavana Down area around Kotobabi.

Naa Afrowa, whose great-grandmother started the business from the royal house …

Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
The Court Challenges Program – How your tax dollars fuel social justice activism through the courts: Dave Snow and Ryan Alford