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Canada has 3 million non-permanent residents with expiring visas...
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Meet the people working to protect and preserve Pituamkek on P.E.I. [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Meet the people working to protect and preserve Pituamkek on P.E.I. | Loaded

Meet the people working to protect and preserve Pituamkek on P.E.I.

  • 15 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 2:50

People with the Pituamkek Conservation Project are wrapping up their latest work. One of the big goals is to gather data on all plants and animals in P.E.I.’s newest national park reserve, and to learn more about the history of the area. We spoke to just a few of the people working on it.

Tim Sargent on Canada
Tim Sargent on Canada's anemic growth and productivity: MLI in Parliament
The climate crisis is global — our solutions should be, too: Jerome Gessaroli in the National Observer