Alberta News

Memorabilia, comics to be auctioned off for Calgary charity [Video]

A Calgary charity is looking for help from the community to help it catalogue and organize a huge amount of movie, TV and sports collectables for a future auction.

The Calgary chapter of the Hope Mission says it was approached by a widow who wanted to donate a large assortment of memorabilia to the charity.

“The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, and her late husband always valued the care of children and youth, and she wanted this legacy of sports and entertainment memorabilia to be used to benefit kids in Calgary,” Hope Mission said in a release.

The donation includes trading cards, autographed photos, autographed baseballs, team jackets, celebrity photographs and even preserved copies of newspapers published around the time of historic events.

“Our mind was blown away that the lady brought in a whole bunch of items,” said Tim Goodwin, community relations manager with the Hope Mission.

“We …

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