Alberta News

Minus 30: Alberta photographer braves storms to capture Canadian winter [Video]

Most people want to stay indoors when temperatures drop to -30, but that’s the picture-perfect condition, literally, for Angela Boehm.

She made a rule to only go out to take pictures of Canadian prairie landscapes when things plunged to -30C, inspiring the title of her new book: Minus 30.

“It has to be -30C or colder because that environment really does look different than when it’s -10C,” she said.

It was a discovery born out of frustration while the award-winning photographer was sitting in traffic during a cold winter day.

“I was thinking to myself and grumbling that I’m a photographer that lives in a part of the world that is winter eight months of the year and I have so little time to photograph. But then I really looked at it and I went, ‘Oh my goodness, this is absolutely beautiful, and it’s been in front of me this whole time, …

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