Quebec News

Moisson Montreal, Renaissance founder appointed to Order of Canada [Video]

It’s a big year for Pierre Legault.

The founder of Moisson Montreal and Renaissance is celebrating anniversaries for both organizations: 40 years and 30 years, respectively.

Now, the long-time community organizer has been appointed to the Order of Canada.

“I found out about it in a strange way because I was told somebody was getting it and not me,” he told CTV News. “I was being asked to phone back because they wanted information on that person. So I phoned back and the guy on the other end of the line laughed and said, ‘No, you’re the one getting the Order of Canada.'”

Moisson Montreal, originally called Harvest Montreal, first started operating out of a church basement in the Villeray neighbourhood.

Over the decades, it has grown into Canada’s largest food bank and currently has 898,381 food assistance requests every month.

Legault started the organization while working with youth.

He recalls encountering a little girl who told him how hungry she was.

“She was sobbing …

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