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Montreal paramedics feel everyone should have a naloxone kit for opioid overdoses [Video]

Quebec News

Faced with the risk of fentanyl intoxication — a highly lethal opioid — in the general population, Urgences-Santé is in favour of “everyone” having the antidote commonly known as naloxone in their possession.

Between the Christmas party and the New Year celebrations, the end-of-year festivities are an ideal time to use substances. These can be cut with fentanyl. As well as marginalized groups, the general population may also be at risk.

“The opioid crisis is a real issue, and we know that festivities can lead to drug use,” said Urgences-sante spokesperson Jean-Pierre Rouleau, who is also a paramedic, in an interview with The Canadian Press. “In the event of intoxication, anyone can administer a dose of naloxone and make a difference.”

In Quebec, a naloxone kit can be obtained directly from a pharmacy — free of charge and without a prescription. It contains the antidote to be injected nasally into …

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