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Montreal police looking for six suspects linked to anti-NATO demonstration [Video]

Quebec News

Montreal police (SPVM) is asking the public for help in identifying six suspect who are alleged to have committed mischief during the anti-NATO demonstration in Montreal last month.

On Nov. 22 around 5:30 p.m. several hundred demonstrators gathered at the intersection of Saint-Catherine Street and Saint-Urbain Street to protest the NATO delegates that were in city to discuss support for Ukraine, climate, and the future of the alliance.

According to police, the crowd then started marching and the peaceful quickly demonstration degenerated.

“At around 6:45 p.m., six individuals allegedly smashed the windows of the Palais des Congrès where the NATO submit was taking place using pieces of concrete and hammers, as well as with punches and kicks.”

The SPVM has released images captured by surveillance cameras. Although the quality is poor, police hope the public will be able to identify accessories, clothing or other details that could lead to the …

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