On the eve of a new year, Montreal’s homeless shelters are overflowing and turning people away.
An encampment dismantled last month along Notre-Dame Street in the city’s east end has returned. It has homeless organizations calling on the city and province to do more.
Inside the growing encampment, Pinky worries she’ll have to pickup and move yet again. She’s just starting to settle in her new tent.
“I’m used to the streets. But I would rather have my four walls and my roof, that’s for sure,” she told CTV News.
She’s one of many people who call the growing encampment home.
Sam Watts, CEO of the Welcome Hall Mission, said shelters in the city are at capacity.
“I think it says the dismantlement doesn’t work, because all it does is make vulnerable people more vulnerable. And so, it shifts the location of the challenge,” said Watts.
“Generally speaking, the shelter …