One day after a story aired featuring leaked audio of UBC instructor’s anti-Israel rant to her class, more people are coming forward calling for repercussions.
A former student of instructor Litsa Chatzivasileiou saw the story and reached out to CTV News.
“I’m not surprised at all,” said the student, whose identity we protected for safety reasons.
The student said Chatzivasileiou would go on similar rants in her Gender and Environmental Justice course in the fall of 2023.
The student recalls a time when Chatzivasileiou canceled a class to attend a pro-Palestinian rally. The student forwarded us Chatzivasileiou’s message to students.
“I have to cancel today’s class to participate in the general strike happening in solidarity with Palestinian people, against genocide and the end of war. I urge you all to walk out of your classes, if you are able to,” read the message from Chatzivasileiou.
“I’m not there to sit …