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More than a 3 hour tour: S.S. Minnow, a piece of TV history, still afloat in Nanaimo [Video]

British Columbia News

It was a painstaking process to restore the S.S. Minnow to its former glory.

“The interior’s completely new to it. The hull and sides, things like that were repaired,” said Jim Clark who is a caretaker of the vessel.

“Right from the gunnels up to build a pretty impressive, iconic machine that so many people are aware of,” added owner Ken Schely.

The vessel is one of four boats used in the Gilligan’s Island TV series that aired in the 1960s.

“That’s where this boat came in and told the backstory. It was used in all the dream scenes when they went back in time,” said Clark.

This Minnow has changed hands a few times over the years. Ken Schely bought it from a man in Parksville in 2006.

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“At the very beginning when it was being exposed to be sold, I was very interested and thinking that we can use this and help our business,” said Schely.

Quality …

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