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Motorcyclist charged with dangerous driving in Guelph [Video]

Ontario News

Police are looking for a suspect after Guelph Police say two motorcyclists were spotted driving dangerously.

Officers said they first saw the pair on Friday around 7:40 p.m. in the Speedvale Avenue area. They said two motorcyclists initially stopped at a red light, but sped through the intersection before the light changed to green. The officers said they saw the motorcycles going through other red lights in the area, but never tried to stop the operators due to public safety concerns.

The motorcyclists were seen in the Woodlawn Road area a short time later, and although police tried to stop them, the operators took off as soon as officers turned on their lights and sirens.

Police caught up with the motorcyclists around 8:10 p.m. after the pair was spotted pulling into the parking lot of a restaurant on Woodlawn Road. Officers blocked the motorcycles and walked up to the operators. …

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