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My anger exploded: Toronto man charged with killing ex-wife, daughter testifies – Toronto [Video]

Ontario News

A Toronto man charged with the first-degree murder of his ex-wife and daughter took the witness stand in his own defence on Friday and denied planning to kill them, saying he just exploded that day.

“My anger exploded. I was asking for my passport and Angelica was showing she had no concern for my mother, the person who took care of her. That’s the time my anger exploded. I was very, very mad,” Godfrey Sig-Od said through a Tagalog interpreter.

Sig-Od said he planned to renew his passport with the help of his ex-wife Elvie Sig-Od, 44, and their daughter Angelica Sig-Od, 20, on Aug. 26, 2022, so he could return to the Philippines because he realized his marriage was over.

When his daughter and ex-wife arrived at the boarding house where he was living, Sig-Od testified he got into Elvie’s car but she told him he would first have to pay him the $3,000 she said he …

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